🐲Buy on QuickSwap

$HAHA can be purchase on Quickswap:


The $HAHA liquidity pair is $HAHA / $ASTR. Please refer to Bridge to zkEVM for instructions to bridge Astar to zkEVM.

Note: While liquidity is provided in $ASTR, $HAHA can be purchased with any token that has been bridged to zkEVM.

How to Swap

  1. Connect your wallet and choose "AstarzkEVM" from the "Select Network" dropdown.

  1. Choose a token to swap from by clicking the top token name and selecting from a dropdown. Choose HAHA for the bottom token.


  1. Quickswap will require a signature to access the "From" tokens in your wallet prior to swapping.

  2. HAHA LP is provided on Market (V3).

  3. Following the link at the top of this page will automatically assign ASTR as the from token and HAHA as the to token.

  1. Enter an amount to spend in the 0.00 field next to $ASTR or an amount to purchase in the 0.00 field next to HAHA and click "Swap".

  1. Agree and confirm transaction in wallet to finalize the swap.

Trouble Shooting Swap Issues

Insufficient Liquidity warning is the most common issue. This is due to a UI error. Steps to try when receiving this error:

  1. Increase slippage from 0.5% to 3%

  2. Adjust purchase amount slowly

    1 -> 10 -> 100 -> etc..

  3. Refresh page

Last updated